Castlemar provides expertise, services and solutions that address the specific needs of clients whether they are large, small or somewhere in-between. Our flexibility and scalability drive our responsiveness.
Large Businesses. Seasoned consultants augment existing staff and bring unique value to the internal capture teams. Add business Intelligence depth to augment employee new business development activities. “On demand” resources can be used to address issues of scale and fluctuating workloads.
Mid-Tier Businesses. Castlemar works with business executives to mature their firm’s overall processes and provide strategic insights related to Business Development. The result is better utilization of existing resources. “On demand” resources can augment the client’s internal staff and offers a cost effective means to drive new business growth.
Small Businesses. Many small businesses have limited business development resources and must invest wisely to achieve new business growth. Castlemar provides the full spectrum of BD related consultants to effectively support new business activities and provide a clear path to get to the next level.